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Oxford University Press and Bloomsbury: ebooks trial

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► We have enabled a trial period with Oxford for books and handbooks in this collection: Law - Criminology and criminal justice - Economics and finance - Business and management – Philosophy - Political science.

Users accessing the site via registered IP addresses will be automatically authenticated. Off-campus access is by means of Shibboleth, in the following way: go to (EBOOK), or (HANDBOOK), click on Sign in via your Institution on the left side, and select Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. Once logged, click on Browse by subject and select one of the enabled collection.

This access will be valid until 26.06.2020.

►Bloomsbury collections, a trial for ebooks of these subject: Law, Politics & International Relations, Sociology. Access by the School IP address or, off-campus, through the VPN connection. Go to and browse the enabled collections.

The access will be valid until the end of May.